Telangana Council of Higher Education

Osmania University

Management & Computers

Business Administration , Technology Management etc.


Management & Computers

Business Administration , Big Data Analytics, Marketing etc.


Management & Computers

Business Administration and Computer Applications etc.


Management & Computers

Business Administration and Computer Applications etc.


Management & Computers

Business Administration and Computer Applications etc.


Colleges displayed for option entry are subject to approval of AICTE, Govt. & Affiliating body.
All candidates can exercise options for minority institutions. However allotment to them will be made subject to availability of seats after exhausting concerned minority students.

For security reasons it is advisable that

More than one candidate should not login from the same Computer/ Browser at the same time.
After completing options entry, Always LOGOUT properly and close the Browser.


అన్ని క్రెడిట్ / డెబిట్ కార్డులకు నగదు ఉపసంహరణ మరియు ఆన్‌లైన్ లావాదేవీలపై పరిమితులు ఉన్నందున అభ్యర్థులు రోజుకు అనుమతించదగిన గరిష్ట లావాదేవీ మొత్తాన్ని మరియు తగినంత ఫండ్ లభ్యతను ట్యూషన్ ఫీజు చెల్లించే ముందు ధృవీకరించు కొనగలరు. లావాదేవీలు కస్టమర్ కార్డ్ పరిమితిని మించి ఉంటే లేదా తగినంత నిధుల కొరత కారణంగా తిరస్కరించబడతాయి.

Login ID

To get Login ID candidates shall generate Password through Candidate Registration and send SMS to 9731979899 as ' TGICET(space)01(space)Your HTNo'

NQNA (Not-Qualified Non-Appeared) Minority Candidates

Minority candidates (Muslim/Christian) who have not qualified or not appeared in TGICET - 2024, are informed to apply between 01-09-2024 and 03-09-2024 to consider them for the leftover seats if any, after exhausting all the qualified Minority candidates in Minority Engineering / Pharmacy colleges opting for admission through Convenor (S.W-I). The candidates are not eligible for fee reimbursement scheme.